(no subject)

Apr 04, 2005 20:11

Spring break wasnt the funnest its ever been but it was still fun. sarah went off to LG and gabby and hayl were in colorodo. I only went to the beach one day over all spring break which is pretty wierd because i thought id be there every day. i went out on the boat a couple times, went shopping, and went to busch gardens. It was pretty fun

Hayl- love the pants!!
Lo- your just being a little too ridiculous right now =)
Elise- goood times goooood times.. lets hang out
Kate Bino- i know you wanted that old man speed walking
Rah- your a crazy bargain shopper.. how was goodwill?
kels- we are so crafty

everyones been sneeking up and scaring me lately first hayl and ali with the blowhorn now today sarah and katie sneek in my back door and i thought i was being robbed

canceled the home ec baby for this weekend for the 5th time.. next weekend get ready kels (you said you wanted to help =))
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