Feb 18, 2005 20:56

URGH!!!!!!!!! I'm sitting at home, writing an entry, and I have no one to talk to.. can you guess why?? It's a LONG story, but I'm going to tell you and complain about it because I feel like being a bitch right now and making you suffer by having to read the ENTIRE thing. Soooooo.. woke up this morning, Krystal wanted French Toast, I said okie, I kinda forgot so I'll just.. wing it. Make french toast, it's NASTY AS HELL!! and So my dad calls, asks me what I'm doing, I say I just made french toast. He told make sure I cleaned everything up when I'm done. He says that he told me to wash the dishes as well, but anyone who knows me knows I only catch bits & pieces of sentences because I get easily distracted. Anywayyyyys.. so I didn't catch the "washing the dishes" part. I go out with Sami, Teri, And Sarah (gasp! I forgot to tell everyone I met Sarah for the first time!!) okie, so yeah, we went to the mall, I get a call from my dad saying you didn't wash the dishes! you have to come home @ 8 now! you can't sleep over their house! Ugh! And he dragged it out so I'm like.. kinda stressing out and my dad, when he's angry, just kind of triggers something in me that makes me cry, and I was frustrated and stressed out from this week and.. I just couldn't take anymore! So yeah, i started crying and Danny (sp?) made me feel soooo much better by letting me know she goes through the same shit and she understands me and everything and she was so helpful and nice! So I was feeling better. Not much later, I get another call.. Guess who! My dad says, you know what, you're coming home now. I saw your room and I am just DISGUSTED! Okie, first of all, I couldn't remember my room being a disaster, and even if it was I like it that way, because, believe it or not, I can find things when it's messy. lol. But, I did this morning, have a extremely huge urge to just.. pick up my clothes! I never ever do that. I was amazed at myself. I was like woah, what's going on??? Mkay.. SoOoOoOoOooOoOOOOOklsjfkjfg... wow. I mean, you can even ask Krystal, she watched me just start picking my clothes up. ANYWAYS.. so I got upset again because now I couldn't sleep over and I had to leave RIGHT away.. So I was crying again and so many people made me feel better. Kurt gave me a HUGE hug and it's kinda what I needed 'cause, really, I haven't gotten a hug when I got upset since my mom left and so that's what really made it feel better. And because now I had known that people actually do care about me, even though I mostly feel treated like shit but.. I'm just gay. So yeah, and I get home, my room wasn't even messy! I had a few woodchips on my floor from the gerbil 'cause I cleaned her cage last night, and I did one stroke with the vacuum cleaner and BAM! My room was MAGICALLY clean!! I tell you, it was the stupidest thing I've EVER been yelled at for. Then my dad got home, had a WONDERFUL lecture which made me cry AGAIN. Went upstairs and just fucking cried into a pillow. It doesn't seem like such a big deal but, this is just one of the many things I deal with daily, and then I have to watch Timmy everyday while my friends are out, I'm not even getting paid! Sure, I don't have to do anything.. except watch my youth be wasted while I watch a kid who can watch himself! It's pathetic! I go to school, I picked up my grades SO much, I have to deal with friendship/relationship problems in school, then the one night a week I get to go out.. and I get called back into the prison for dumb things like that! URGH! Sorry, I like to complain and bitch, but if you don't like it.. why are you reading my LJ? lol. Well.. Everyone is still at the mall.. and I mean EVERYONE. Ugh.. I feel like shittypie. I'm gonna play solitaire til people come online. tata!
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