The Lindsay Lohan Survey Created by
andy and taken 657 times on
bzoink!The Lindsay Lohan Survey1. Do you like Lindsay?No2. What's your favorite movie that she's in?Eh mean girls3. What is her best feature?her hair4. How big of a fan are you?not one5. If you could have anything of Lindsay's, what would it be?her stardom6. Do you know what her middle name is? What is it?dont care7. Has her fame peaked, or is there more to come?peaked8. Have you seen her ugly cell phone? Do you LIKE it?havent seen it9. What's the best outfit you've seen her wear?none 10. What color are her eyes?dunno11. When was she born? Month day and yeardont care12. What's her Zodiac sign?same answer13. Do you think she's maybe a little stuck up?yea shes a biatch14. Do you consider her a skank?sure15. Any shout-outs to Lindsay? I bet she reads bzoink!I bet she dont.. but hey hilary duffs better anyway
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