Jun 26, 2008 14:55
I really wish I wasn't such an idiot sometimes. Sometimes I say things that I shouldnt but I dont really realize it until I get reprimanded for it. Just in a casual conversation I will bring something up thinking that the other person knows what Im talking about when in actuality they dont. I guess my mouth moves faster than my brain thinks. Dont get me wrong, Im not untrustworthy, a blabber mouth or a gossip queen I'm just an idiot.
Im at work and Im so spaced out right now. I really think I need adderall or something. I zone out way to much and get destraced way to easily. Sometimes I space out so much that my perception gets weird. I know I have ADD. I should probably get that check out and taken care of. I would probably be a lot more productive. Okay enough with that....
On to something that is really annoying to me.... Chain text messages. They are such a waist of a text message. The one I got today may be the most ridiculous one I've recieved yet. And I quote " Messy females talk shit. Stupid hoes suck dick. Tricks aint shit. But real females pass this shit!" Umm no thanks. Erin I love you but that one was redic. I dont like Jesus texts either so this is a warning to any person that thinks about forwarding me a text of that nature in the future. Same goes for e-mails.
So.. Yesterday I rode a bike for the first time in years. I really dont remember the last time I was on one. For some reason I was a little bit afraid. I kept having a fear that I was going to flip over the handel bars or hit uneven sidewalk and crash. I didnt though thank God. It was actually pretty fun.
I need to go to NYC soon. The end.