Oct 20, 2004 17:03
yay today was good again! i made a 9 outta 10 on my wordmasters so i got a fistful of gummy bears! phil taught me how to make them dance and then i didnt wanna eat them cuz they were so must fun to dance with. but o well, i got hungry haha
after school me n kathryn n phil n syd all stayed talkin to mr. powell for almost an hour! mr. p rocks!!! then we went off to the halloween store. it was crowded so it wasnt as much fun! but they had this kickass candleholder thing with skulls and i wanted it sooo bad. i could put the bleeding candles in it! that would be like whoa... haha i cant wait to move to canada and get my own place!! im decorating straight halloween style. its gonna be kick! we saw allison at the halloween store too! yay for allison!! so yea thats all for today. weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
quote of the day: " why do all the kids like easy mac?"
"cuz its easy and its cheezy"