Sep 13, 2004 20:53
heii yOung wun' im sO best frend chelsea has 2 tikets tO the usher cOncert.....3rd fucking rOw...and i kant gO because mii mOm wOnt send me ~!~...that sux ass..and i've never been sO pissed off in my life!....nOt Onlii Do i nOt want her tO have tO gO with her boyfrend whO hates usher..lmaO...but i wanted tO gO with her sOoO bad....nOt Onlii am i gunna miss usher..but im missing kanye west!! and jOjO!!!...i lOve them bOth!!im so0o0 frustrated and mad and lOnely and sad...lOl...this sux...but sO happi that megh is gOing to the miami hurricaynes vs gay ass nOrth carOlina state....we are gunna kik ass~!~ i kant wait!!!wo0o0-ho0o..ima gO all Out ima dO mii nails hair get a hurricaynes even gunna dress up mii lil dOggie...hes a cant spell it ...!sOoO yeah i guess that game is the cOnsulation prize fOr me nOt being able tO see usher!...well im super tired and i fell asleep in klass tOdaii 4 ima gO nite-nite....
:+:besitOs:+:.............(cOmment me bitchEs!!!)