Aug 26, 2006 15:42
I think I'm going to start eating only organic fruits. There is a nectarine sitting next to my computer with three bites taken out of it that I can't finish because I'm having an allergic reaction to the pesticide that remains on the skin (although I washed it with warm water).
Vanessa never eats the core of her apples, so I asked her if I could have her core when she was finished in order to test my theory that I'm not actually allergic to apples and pears, but only to the pesticide on them. Sure enough, I can totally eat the inside of an apple. However, there remained the posibility that I'm allergic to only the skin.
BUT! I've always been able to eat nectarines with only mild allergic discomfort. I mean, there is no concievable way that I'm allergic to three different kinds of fruit, right? That would just be unfair.