(no subject)

May 10, 2006 01:53

So yeahh nothing is new in my world.
For the first time in FOREVER i've got drama in my life.
Haha kinda funny actually.
That ratty lookin skank ass TRICK. haha sry but that just sounds funny.
But instead of just saying a name and leaving people to guess who it is....
I'll just say who it is for those who don't know...
Sam-MOThER FUCKIN-Mogielski...real intimidating isn't it??
But besides that, nothin else has really changed.
Still with jason the <333 of my life!
Got ahold of my 2nd & 3rd grade best friend from VA! 2 of em at that!
w00t w00t. and TRUST ME, that was the highlight of my day!
Man its so weird when you remember someone being so little and now they're all grown up.
been hangin out w.kaycee, and kate, and sara. FUNNNNN
o0o0o and i'm in a bowling league now!
With erica, tommy, and jason. i love that too.
I've been bowling alotttt. its so much fun and i'm gettin better everynight.
I can't wait for summertime though. Mannn i miss that sunshine!
I've got soooo many plans for the summer.
But yeahh i guess thats all.
Can't wait for this weekend though ;)
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