With love from Ruby-chan

Jul 17, 2015 20:52

"All the world's a stage;
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances;
And one man in his time plays many parts,
His acts being seven ages."

-William Shakespeare


Love is just another form of suicide.
I love them.
By the way they interact with each other.
By the look they send to each other.
And most, by the feelings they've left in my heart.

I always wonder if this love could be true, and if between them, there's really something named 'love'.
The day when they are admitted to be together, officially, is not the day of cheering bells or happy faces or confetti.
It'd be the day of shed and unshed tears, of sin, and sadness.


If they could risk themselves like that, if they could able to pay such an expensive price, just to be together...

Then i would be there, to give them my respect, and my supports...

I'm so proud, to could have a chance, to be born in the same world with them, and could love them, once in my lifetime.

"You don't have a soul. You are a soul. You have a body."

- C.S. Lewis

You thought that there's always a second chance for love...
And there's always a way to redo the past...

But deep in your heart, you knew the answer better.

That there's no way to undo the past.
And a second chance for love is still in a query.


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