Jul 06, 2004 01:11
I was gonna go to bed but I decided I'm not that tired any more. And Bam is pissed cause he doesn't wanna go to bed yet so I'm gonna wait til he goes in his cage then I'll go to bed. Dava and Dana just left here. Now on the phone with Dava cause he is walkin home and he called me. .man. Tonight went to Shano's and chilled with her amy leigh dave and dana. This weekend was good..I went to Scituate on Sat with Shan and Jack. My fam was all there...and there was babies too. My cousin Deseree...i cant spell her name...had her baby Caden there. He is like 7 or 8 months old now I think. Then my aunt Maureen had her baby Devyn...yay new baby cousins. Devyn is so tiny it's awesome. All the shiz happened there on July 3rd at night instead of the 4th. We all chilled on the beach all night and there was fireworks and bomfires. It was some crazy stuff...lol one guy lt a firework like back wards and it went towards jack and he dove behind me...that wasn't cool. But it ended up hittin the groud and goin off a few feet away from us like kinda in the sand. Then on the 4th we chilled on the beach all day. I got an ok tan..but tommorow I think I'm gonna lie out on the deck for a while and make it darker. :-) Goin for my license next Tuesday. I best pass man. peeeeeeeeez.
ok I think Bam Bam has relaxed now...and I'm kinda tired...AND I have nothin else to type man. So I'm going to bed. byebye.