
Oct 08, 2005 10:51

ToDaY iS hOmEcOmInG! i Am So ExCiTeD. i HaVe ThE bEsT dAtE eVeR!!! AdAm GilLmAn. TeE hEe. YeAh. ToDaY mUsT bE pErFeCt. I wIlL gO cRaZy If It'S nOt. HaHa. YeAh. WeLl ThIs EnTrY iS gOnNa Be ShOrT. i HaVe To Go AnD gEt ReAdY fOr ThE dAnCe. I hAvE tO cLeAn ThE hOuSe AnD aLl ThAt FuN sTuFf! HaHa. WeLl, LeAvE mE lOtS oF lOvE :-* :-* aFtEr ThE dAnCe I wIlL cOmE bAcK aNd PoSt =D


Tiffany Anne.
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