sarah palin and katie couric bring the lulz AGAIN!!

Oct 01, 2008 00:57

WHY does she keep agreeing to do interviews with Katie? That alone shows how dumb she is hahha. Katie calls her out so much, and the looks on Katie's face are so great. I laughed through most of this interview.

Oh and her BEST (gay) friend for 30 years thing HAS to be a lie. I would NEVER SAY "oh my friend who happens to be gay made the CHOICE to be gay and thats not my business even though I dont agree with it" That's her problem...'the choice' because its so hard for her to beieve god would have people be born gay. That proves she can't be best friends with this person. She probably paid the lesbian off to say she's been friends with Sarah for years haha

***heres the link because for some reason the embed thing isnt showing up for me
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