
Sep 30, 2008 06:12

The world is against me...

A- I get in a fight with my manager at work tonight, get sent home early (which is actually what I wanted in the first place)...yeah probably going to catch shit for it tomorrow (it was partially due to B...see below) I cannot wait to go into work and show him my stuff from the hospital. Fucking dick...I can't believe he thought I was lying.

B- all I want to do is go home and sleep because I'm exhausted, but no, I can't because my ear hurts so bad its making me cry like a little bitch. Its so bad I get sick to my stomach, it hurts to chew and move my jaw, it hurts to touch, and even hurts up by my head. I call my dad and wake him up at 3am, he tells me to go the emergency room. Alright. Awesome..just what I wanted to do.

C- I try to look hospitals up online, and the symptoms that I'm feeling but oh look at that my computer is fucking up again. Every so often it does this thing where every single file goes corrupt and I have to do a complete factory image restore on it, of course that would be happening right then when I needed it. Of course.

D- I text message google, it gives me the right address but the wrong phone number for the hospital (401 area code? Wtf?), so I have to call 411. The fucking bitch at the hospital wouldn't tell me how long the wait is. Ok, so we talking minutes, hours, couple hours. She just repeats she can't tell me the wait. Twice. and that she's a huge bitch. Ok fine. Fuck you then. I'm going to the other hospital by my house

E- I go by myself to southern hills and thankfully the lady is so nice and can tell I've been crying/am crying and gets me in quick, so I think. I sit in the room for what seems like forever. My copay was friggen $75...ouch. I get two prescriptions to go fill (vicoden and antibiotic ear drops), and I'm like wtf I'm in pain I need something NOW!! She wouldn't give me anything though because she knew I drove myself =( gaaay

F- I go to cvs by my house...wait 20 minutes for my prescription in the parking lot, I'm pretty excited I remembered to bring a box of kleenex. Some crazy trash collector man almost gives me a heart attack when he walks up to my car...apparantly under my truck was a trash goldmine. Fucking scary shit for a minute there though. Not going to lie. I finally get my stuff and I pop 2 vicoden in front of the guy and put my ear drops in....holy hell that was like heaven in my ears!!

G- oh and my friend that was going to come keep me company at the hospital bailed out and decided to not answer their phone anymore....fucking laaame

So now its 6am...I've been up for 24 hours in one hour, and I have to be up for work in 6 hours. FUUUUUCCCCKKKKKK

I'm not fucking happy about anything at all right now.

OH AND I discovered my cyst is so fucking big you can press on my skin and feel it. fucking wonnderrffulllll

oh and I started my period at the hospital, which was awesome too. TODAY IS OFFICIALLY THE DAY OF SUCK.
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