All right guys… so yeah I’m start this whole thing over again.. this whole “LJ” thing… It's been AWHILE since I've been on here... Anyways I’ve been having a lot to say lately though… a lot of things going through my head and whatnot… a lot of feeling I just have to get out and haven't had no where to write it all down at, so yeah here I am again. Anyway, I just started a whole new LJ. Here’s the link: Yeah.. I’ve already had people ask what my LJ name means and it’s just “the new me” writing backwards… Ain’t really nothing tooo new about me… just I guess new things that have happened in my life like it does/happens w/ everyone else at some point in their life… Anyway, another reason I decided to make a new LJ was cause yeah this one just has toooo many memories in it... to many memories that I just don’t want to have to look back on/at and or anything like that right now. PLUS yeah I just thought it was time to start over new and fresh too..
Anyway, well I still haven’t done anything w/ the look of my new journal and or then info. Haven’t done ANYTHING to it yet. Will thought as soon as I can/whenevr I get the chance to. Guess though I could start off w/ friends though! So yeah hope everyone on this old one will add my new one too! GO ADD ME GUYS!!! ;) Got a lot of intresting/good stuff to write about, sooo yeah it should be cool… Anyways as for this profile.. I’ma keep everything the way it is… Not going to delete it and or change anything about it. I know I'ma want to look back at all this stuff in this journal again one day and or sometime soon and see everything again. All my stupid/crazy/wild nights and whatnot :), and yeah plus I wanna see everything the way I last left it/had it. Anyway, well think that’s all for now guys. Until the next post/entry!