*Mark* LOL and yeah he seams coooooooooool as hell! Funny guy!! :D Makes me laugh.. Definatly very entertaining and seams down to earth! He's pretty damn HOT!! He's in the Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrmy!! *just to let you know a little about him* OH yeah and he's 21..
^^ That's him (the one wearing black). Anywho yeah going to met up w/ him and a couple of his friends tonight at Ellys. Gonna party party party and just have a good time! He's kinda going through the same thing I went through w/... yeah.. you know who. Him and his GF are I guess SEPERATED right now... something like that... don't really know cause yeah don't wanna be to nosie but yeah definatnly looking forward to meeting him. :D Seams like someone I'd def. love to get to know, become friends w/ and have HELLA partys w/. Anywho though yeaaaaaaaah enough talking about him though. :) Just had to make a post about him. **AS I DO W/ EVERYTHING ELSE THAT HAPPENS IN MY LIFE** :P