Jan 02, 2006 19:03
Well, I just got done talking to my sister and yeah it looks like the same shit that happened to me happened to her…. The whole situation seams exactly the same.. Her and her BF (her sons father) where trying to work things out between them and things seamed to have been going good. They’ve been talking a lot again… seeing each other a lot again.. and whenever he came over and or she went over to his house he seamed as everything was all right. He was kissing her goodbye. Telling her he loved her and all these other sweet nothings - blah blah blah. Well, my sister went to go drop their son off at his house and somehow accidentally took his cell phone. He called and found out she took it on ACCIDENT, he was all pissed over it and was all like “You need to fucking pay attention more”, yelling and shit and as she said and told him - he was getting waaaaaaaay to pissed over just a CELL PHONE, so she KNEW something was up, so she went through his phone and saw ALL these nasty/fucked up messages. Kind of like the ones I saw on Thomas’s phone.. Instead of just saying “fuck me” though like Thomas’s messages said and shit his said “So do you want to make me cum or see me cum” some shit like that and yeah other messages (like some other ones of Thomas's) that shouldn’t have been sent if they/we where trying to work things out! That doesn't seam like working things out to me...
It's just fucked up cause as with both of us we KNEW we could have done you know "something" and or even the SAME SHIT (they did) if we wanted to too while we where working things out w/ them as well, BUT WE DIDN'T though cause we both really loved them and really wanted to work things out w/ them, and KNEW THAT SHIT LIKE THAT WASN'T "WORKING THINGS OUT", but yeah it looks like they didn't. Me and my sister had been going out EVERY NOW AND THEN w/ each other when we where BOTH trying to work things out w/ our "others". We had LOTS of guys come up to us EVERYTIME, buying us drinks (even me even though I am not 21), talking to us... trying to get our numbers, asking us out for another date, and even trying to MAKE OUT WITH US/KISS US but did we do anything FUCKED up and let them kiss us or give them our #/get their #.. plan another date w/ them NOPE! All we did was went out.. ate.. drank... and CHILLED and even talked abou how much we loved them (heh stupid us). Just went out to get out. Everytime though they both kinda got pissed... BUT as we both said we know they where going out too. Did we get pissed though? NO cause as we both thought that since we where trying to work things out they wouldn't do nothing bad or anything like they did and we knew WE WERN'T DOING ANYTHING BAD/FUCKED UP. It's just funny how guys hate when girls "fake shit" but it usally always turns out that the GUY is the one faking most of it ALL the time. Atleast w/ me (I don't know about my sis) I was HONEST and TRUE about everything *when we where trying to work things out*. When I told him I loved him *I REALLY MEANT IT* (don't think he did... especially after what all I saw). Whenever & where ever I went I told him. When I said I wanted to work things out w/ us I really wanted to.. I didn't AT ALL talk to other guys "DIRTY" like Thomas did and blah blah blah. I don't know I'm over it though... Me knowing he didn't love me, that he oviously didn't wanna be w/ me, that I know he's not hurting over any of this is and that as I feel EVERYTHING he told me was nothing but LIES and B.S is the only thing that helps me get over it/him cause I mean why should I fucking be the only one crying everyday and or even over it/this all.. why should I be the only one hurting.. I shouldn't and I ain't
Like w/ me and Thomas my sister could fuck up brad bad... Put child support w/ him (as she is) AND even get him locked up for a looooooooong time like I could have w/ Thomas. Don't know why we are stupid and NOT (getting them locked up for a long time). I guess w/ me (as I tell myself) I still care about him and don't wanna do something like that to him.. get him locked up for a long time for assult. I know that would just ruin his life... A year in jail (OR LONGER), he's lose his job... lose his house.. just cause someone ruined my life doesn't mean I have to do the same to them.. I just feel as I should just let them go... move on.. let them him live his fucked up life.... I'll find someone who I know will/can treat me 10 times better then he did..