It Seems That All I Really Have Is Infront of Me

Jan 25, 2006 23:32

man, i dont know what i would do these days
if it werent for you, my friends, i love you.

more than life itself. higher than anything.

if you read this, and get that warm feeling.
you'll know im talking about you.

though i appologize. in writing that, ive made
an assumption. or ive implyed something... and
youve made the assumption. there are people
in my life, who might concider me their friend
i wouldnt necessarilly say that they arent mine
but more so one that hasnt touched my life, pulled
me out from the depths of a rutt, or cured me of
an illness which has no meaning. you can still
have the warm feeling im giving out though, its
wrong not to share. appologies all on this side.

hmm how cliche of a message this is. a dedication.
a tribute. a balad. a symphony. a dance. a poem.

i cant really call this anything short of what it is.

i am finally seeing life. death. pain. happiness.

im not writing a last speach or anything. im just
realizing that life is what it is. and the only
mistake i could ever make is not telling the people
i live for, that i love them very much every single
day of my life.

i live for ephiphonies like these.

im very much hooked on synth.
i love it so much. i love it.
i need to start my new project.
ive been writing songs and lyrics
and everything just everything.

some of this stuff may sound crazy
but im just starting to feel more
mature with my choice of words.

im looking for a guitarist who is
capable of playing keys respectivily.
a bassist who can handle blues lines
but is willing to hit a seldom root.
a drummer who can fuse different
styles into one creative drum beat.

im sure that its a tall order.
i dont doubt it at all. but i want it.

.i need this. its my style. its my dream.

till i get all this... it will only be
a simulation... a mear simulation on
a computer, or cd, or media player.

if i dont do something that will change
this life soon im going to snap. i want
to play my music. this is the hardest
thing ive ever had to do, not be able
to play the music i love. god damn it.

not that i hate ska, its just not me.
im not saying I QUIT TPS, i love it when
people dance to our music. i love that.
i just need something more me. im not ska
no matter what anyone things.

"I dont want to see the world...
through these tinted yellow glasses"

Im ready for the exploration. blast me off.
Send me into outerspace. I want to be lost.
im ready i am ready. im ready i am ready.
im ready i am ready. im ready i am ready.

Food: Senor Taco
Album: Action Action - An Army Of Shapes Between Wars
Book: I was reading something but i lost it...
(i forgot the title)
Movie: Mr. & Mrs. Smith
Moment: you'd like to know that wouldnt you... MAFIA!
Item: noise reduction headphones

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