Thank You!!!

Apr 11, 2010 18:16

Hey guys, thank you so much all all your kind thoughts and wishes (Nay Nona, you are very awesome! I wish you were here in Chicago and hope your little bundle of joy is doing very well. Pauline, I kinda miss having you around my apartment. I still have some small remnants of that cake we tried to eat when you were here. Kinda gross ain't it?). I am so sorry for not responding to your emails and responses. Life is a bit hectic for me right now and hopefully I can get back to you as soon as I can. And yay, below is a recent project I have been working on since Thursday. I have been sleeping around 3 am and wake up at 8am. Who needs rest these days right? Still a work in progress...

The kerning for this is a bit screwed up.

Happy Birthday and warm wishes to the April babies!!! I am sending you all cyber confeties to celebrate with!!!
01: mzsw33tnesss - Charlie (I bet you got a lot fun *winks*)
10: guinevere79 - guinevere79 (What the... why did you delete your account???)
10: lizparker6 - The depressed optimist (like dude! I am a day short)
12: gennagurl - gennnnnna (tehehe, ang tanda mo na mare!!!)
13: nina_d89 - Nina (hhmmm... happy birthday)
15: spunkyar - SpunkyAR (pets you... meooooooooowh!)
And belated to those who I have missed a few months ago.
01: janex1 - janex1 (squeeeeeeeeeeee!!! You really need to write something on your journal)
12: rizny - Rizny (holler!)
15: lind_s - Linda (Jeniffer Aniston has man b@@bs)
28: julie_t1 - Julie (you gotta draw some more lady)
29: marap - mara (write some more fanfics, for realz. I will hunt you like a hawk)
30: applecandy22 - applecandy22 (I miss your entries!!!)

20: lauratnz - Laura (cries, you are getting so young... lulz)
21: confessions33 - confessions33 (update your journal girlie)

06: in_a_bluemoon - in_a_bluemoon (where art though?)
14: anemone_pirate - anemone_pirate (Denisse, come back to us!)
15: therealperth - therealperth (you gotta update your Twitter dear)
19: went_addicted - Hanna (Wentworth is a porn star. For realz! Lulz)
19: reality_escapee - Jen. (noice, hope you feel much older now, lolz)
24: chatty_cat - chatty_cat (hope you had a good one)
25: rdg1983 - rdg1983 (dude totally missed to greet or have I?)
26: kim929 - kim929 (you are awesome)
31: speeding_cars_x - Speeding Cars (too many LJ)
31: sparklydress - amanda. (girl way too many accounts)
31: wishing_stone_x - Amanda (seriously, waaaaaaay too many)
31: you_are_fading - amanda. (mah garsh! Lolz)

Okay I hope I didn't miss anyone and if I have, my apologies. Hope all is well and keep on rockin!!!

royal ramblings

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