Jun 16, 2005 10:48
taday....hmm well i got up erly because the cleaning
lady's were suppose to come by.... and ive been home
all day so far and danielle came over and we hang out
till shalana piked us up... we just basically hung
around the computer played hide and go seek..lol haha,
did a lil bball,and we cot a skink..that thing
that mrs holm had in her room..lol it was in my pool..
lol haha now its on a cage with like nature stuff and
pebbles...so then shalana picked us up and we went strait
to barron and i got a ride up with coach hamburger and
coach george...but i was with...erin, julie, chelsey,
danielle, and morgen on the way there...it was craziii
..lol...so then we finally got to bishop verot..and the
jv team got to play too..lol we did good..and we won...
the jv won like 26 to 13 and the varsity played and won
...lol 55 to like 16...so after we went back to barron...
and i rode back with the two coaches and just julie,erin,
and then me.... so we end back at barron...and i called
my mom and was like so are you gunna pik me up and she
goes..well im alrede showered and in my pj's...i sed...
wellthen iill prolly get a ride w/ shalana back..b/c
her car was still at barron...so i hang up..and waited
for them to come back...lol they never did ...haha..
lukily sue wasstill there and she sed...they prolly
went out to dinner..i was like omg ya...they did...
b/c i saw it on shalanasaway mes..before we left..so
sue took me to her house...andi was stuck there w/ alli
...lol...meanwhile im over there their cat throws up..
lol and it wasn't just a lil..it was a lot...lol..haha
including the hairballs..it was disgusting...lol umm but
my mom came and piked me up and took me home..and i had
dinner and went to bed... mmmhm....