Feels Obligatory, non?

Jul 08, 2010 01:23

I almost feel like I should mention the latest football game today.  Umm...I did stay on Twitter with twoxten  while she flipped out and cried a bucket when Paul the Octopus continued his perfect streak.  Somewhere in Germany, he is being turned into food right now.  TRUST ME. Paul, you're such a heartbreaker.  I shall be cheering for Netherlands in the final!  Partly because I have a feeling that grosse_averse  might skin me alive if I didn't, and frankly I'm not about to get on the bad side of my wifu.

That being said, onto the meme!  I'm sure you guys are sick of this by now, so you don't really have to do anything.

DAY 11:  The character with which you become best friends
Piece of cake!

If I could colour this, it's much more obvious.  Hungary!!!  We would have so much fun together while we just cooked delicious food and daydreamed about boy love.  Seriously, her and I would be tight be nobody's business.  
UGH it looks like I drew Séraphine all pregnant and whatnot.  I think I'll colour this when I can scan it and use my tablet again.

So I think something is wrong with me.  I never seem to want to draw any of the characters in their canon outfits.  I don't know why!  I just find it kind of dull sometimes, so why not play dress-up, right?  Oh, and they're lying in a field of grass.  I know it's a fail, don't need to mock me =_=;;;
I'm going straight to hell for inking my drawings with blue pen XD

Do you prefer seeing your favourite Hetalia characters in their original outfits or other outfits, such as streetwear, soccer jerseys, or gakuen clothing?

P.s.  I'm back on Twitter eek!  YAH.  So if you want to follow me or you want me to follow you, let me know!  My username is MissSerena.  
P.P.s  There's a Franada FST posted not too long ago on the main comm.  It's quite good, so I recommend it!  Unfortunately, I just introduced my friends to FSTs, and she downloaded one that was terrible.   She did find a Muse song that she kind of liked.  SCOREE.

hungary, something very wrong with me, seraphine therese, 30 day hetalia meme

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