Because I'm so super lame and like jumping on the bandwagon, and because I was having so much fun chatting with twoxten, I'm going to do the 30 day Hetalia meme! WOOT.
Feel free to un-friend me right now if it's going to drive you nuts. I'll be nice and put it behind a cut so that you don't HAVE to read it if you don't want to, okay? But because of this, I demand truckloads of cookies. Yes, cookies. And maybe some graham crackers on the side, please.
I thought I might try to pair each day with a sketch as well! I suppose I could make a pixiv account and then browse the bottomless galleries of Hetalia fanart (all in japanese) to find a matching image, but then where's the fun in that? PFFTT I'll just slave away for hours and draw my own. Besides, I basically threw the anime hiatus straight out the window.
So without further ado, I present to you, Rena's 30 day hetalia meme! *defriend button*
Day 1: Your favourite character
Drumroll please....
EDIT: This is a better photo that I took that wasn't in the dead of night.
and the prize goes to Monsieur Francis Bonnefoy! *confetti*Before I go on, I apologize for the horrible quality. I'm without a scanner or a proper graphics program, so I'm forced to improvise with my digital SLR and iPhoto =P
Why is Francis my favourite? First of all, he's French. SOLD. He's also ridiculously fabulous, and so much fun (perver-y or not). He's also stylish and knows how to get into anyone's bed. Come on, you know you love him. Je sais que je l'aime! Not to mention that when you draw him, you can draw him in so many fantastically crazy/sexy poses and he'll always look fabulous. That is until you mangle the anatomy like I do. MY BAD.
First one done! I hope I can meet this going. I'm determined to! Add oil!
Does Kraft Dinner/KD/Mac&cheese count as real pasta?
Seriously, just humour me and answer the question.
Night, everyone!