Title: Just some sketches~
o0litodreamer0o Character(s) : France, N. Italy, Germany
Pairings: Gertalia
Warnings: Francis is too sexy. Enough said.
Summary:FRICK I haven't drawn in a while! Oh sketching, I missed you so. You can blame uni. Anywho, these are my two favourite "realms" of Hetalia: the Austrian Succession costumes and Gakuen Hetalia. I need to sleep, so enjoy!
This is for
smokesandcocoa because we did a sketch trade. DON'T USE IT UNLESS YOU ARE HER KTHANKSBYE. I actually really want to colour this, but I'll see if I have time.
To avoid questions, YES, that's Ludwig, and YES, in my headcanon he wears glasses all of the time. They look good, non? Anywho, this is for a water on DA because I felt bad that she was trying to catch my 5,000 pageview which
sutera actually caught THANK YOU LOVE so I did a sketch for her. That's why this picture is so not good and correct terms of anatomy. So don't tear me apart.
Alright, sleep time.