(no subject)

Jul 15, 2003 00:34

Today, I really had blast w kids.

At FAA, I was cried cos lacie just took the chair while I was planned to sat that chair then I fell and the table hitting on my head. Somehow, Sheila was comfortable me later she askes me to walked w her to ctg # 3 and I was like surre somehow she asked me want revenge ian's bedroom? I was like yes yes why not. Then, we walked to ctg # 3 and got filled the water and came to ctg # 7. Somehow Lacie saw me and talked w me if I'm alright bsbs. I told her abt it and she was like really. Then, Sheila opened the window and I gave it to her water and she putting water on ian and jory's bed. Lacie n I was laughes so hard. Later, Lacie n I told Janelle bout' it. Somehow we saw ian n jory disappment.... we was like shit and ran ran ran. We came into lacie's window and got the water balloon. Then, Janelle left and borrowed my pager if jory or ian bsbs so she ll pge us. Lacie n I walked and saw sheila somehow lacie saw someone in her pod and was like shit and told me that she saw ian in there. I ran and told sheila that ian r in lacie's pod. Then, sheila walked and saw jory n ian there. Bsbs. Then, Jory ran to my bedroom and water on my bed while ian hold me mofoey. Later, ian was opened my window and threw water balloon on my bed. Now lacie n vita just threw watewr balloon on me and my bed too. so I'm just puuting my blanket n bsbs in dry. Done w it. Phew!!
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