May 19, 2008 00:57
There is no where left to hide, because god is on our side,
Well, yea. I don't really want to update, because I am not sure about some things right now. Ugh, I just need some time to think about some things I guess, I really don't know what the hell I am doing. I just want my head to explode right now.
I did get to work on my speech some today, I just have to finish it up tomorrow, I am so fucking done with this class. Luckily my next 2 classes are actually graphic design classes, which is awesome, because I am about tired of this stupid Gen Ed shit.
I also got to watch the first 2 episodes of Death Note, and I must say, I am majorly stoked to watch the rest. It is weird though, because it basically has the main character as the Anti-hero, or the good bad guy. Which is cool. You have really been seeing that a lot lately in TV and in Movies. Cool stuff. It lets you see the grey zone, rather than seeing everything in black and white.
On a side note, Apparently Microsoft considers spelling it GREY is incorrect and GRAY is correct. WTF is that. It is spelled both ways, why the hell do you give me a red squiggly and not someone else, racist bastards.
Yea. I guess I am going to go to bed in a few, even tho I am really not tired, since I took a 4 hour nap. Ugh, I hate my stupid ass schedule. I have to wake up in 6 hours and I am not the least bit tired, and I know I will be dead in the morning.
Ugh, I really want to get back in to music and art a lot more, I seem to be losing my creative side, and I don't like it. The art gives me an outlet, and I really feel like I have not had that in a long time. My head really will explode before too much longer if I can't figure out something. I have been amassing large amounts of art supplies the past few months, time to get this shit to good use. I really want to learn more of the less legal art forms i.e. Graffiti, more specifically, mural-ing, not just lame ass tagging you see everywhere. but I really don't have the time and ability to learn right now, especially with lame ass Louisville and Mellwood Arts closing down all the legal free walls :( Makes me very sad.
Well that is about all I can write right now, I just felt like saying a bunch of random crap from my head, it felt good. Sorry for all the randomness of this post.
Okay, well I think I am done for now. I need to go try to sleep. Bubye now,
The world that circles around me could benefit from silence...