Dec 30, 2007 22:55
Becky is awesome!
In a world where my best friend lives in freakin Washington... my non-family confidant is in a crazy German time zone, and my life revolves around family... it is great to have such great family.
Did I mention great?
I've been feeling like life is all wrapped up in children and husbands and work... and that is a new thing for me (in the past five years).
I've never been that close to my family in Colorado except my grandparents... and even that has massively faded. My dad and I are getting a relationship back slowly... and my mother's family has only recently become a part of my life. My aunt Lisa and I were able to bridge the gap easiest because she and I have nursing in common. When I went to Florida I realized we have a lot more in common and I really love my uncle's entire family. I have amazing cousins and my amazing cousins have kids who are amazing.
But there is something about Bob's family... I love his mother, his dad and step mom, his step siblings... and then there's his full sister Becky. I think he married me because her and I got along, honestly. *laugh* We are alike in so many ways but so totally different. It is fun.
I've never seen a brother and sister who get along so well. We built our friggin houses next door to each other ON PURPOSE... and we lived together for seven months prior to the finish of our houses... without killing each other. Jay and I get along FAMOUSLY... the four of us are extensions of the same core family. We are two micro communities in a macro community of nine (soon to be ten). As micro communities, we live in our own houses and make all the major decisions for our own children and self govern well... but as a macro community, we coexists in some freaky harmony. The four of us all posessing different gifts that we bring to the collective community.
Becky and I are both brains. We are both the dominant femals in our households. We both need our own kitchens and our own bathtubs. We are haters (funny story for later, maybe). We are the creative centers that run our micro communities. We are the spiritual leaders of our micro communities. As an individual, Becky currently functions as an incubator. She brings education, open mind, eternal kindness, and a little bit of the emotional drama to our macro community... it keeps us all feeling very fortunate to not have real drama in our lives.
Jay is the proverbial husband. He fixes stuff, all kinds of stuff... he's an electrician, computer guru, landscape extraordinare, construction worker, carpenter, installer of anything mechanical like ceiling fans, outlets for wall mounted TV's, mounting TV's on walls, and he makes crude jokes that send chills up Becky's spine... all the manly stuff. Mostly he works on a micro community level but he does a fair deal for the macrocommunity... and we are all very appreciative.
Bob provides executive parenting, endless love, constant light... he is what allows me to go out every day and have the craziest day... either on the floor or in the classroom... and come home to soothing warmth and love. He makes our house a home on so many levels. He provides this on mostly a micro community level but lately he's worked his magic on a macrocommunity level. Bob also provides that manly companion to Jay. They do all the guy stuff together... Xbox, PS, late night pizza trips... whatever guys do when they hang out together without the kids around.
Me... I'm not sure what I provide... Becky and I both provide the financial stability for our micro communities. I provide the endless understanding, yet another open mind and skewed perspective on things. I make everyone think. I hold Bob together during times when he's not doing so well on his own. I am Becky's company to Wal Mart at 8:00pm at night. I am here to verify that Jay is not crazy when he says that these two (Bec and Bob) are odd balls in the world of prairie children. I am patience. I am reason. Becky and I both provide all of these things but in such different ways that it just doubles the amount. If all three were to lose their cool at the same time, I'd be the one to pull it all back together, I think.
Becky is Bob's family. She is his history, they are each other's combined roots. She is my friend deeper than friendship. She is Jay's perfect woman. She is his planner and organizer.
Jay is Becky's support. He is Bob's best friend. He is my partner in crime when it comes to rude and crude things that make both Becky and Bob cringe. He keeps us all from being too serious. He's comic relief but he's not a dumbass.
Bob is Bob. Becky and I both agree that if you know... you know. He's love, patience, kindness, simpleness, brilliance, creativity, loyalty, honorability... all the amazing things that you know human beings are capable of but you don't often find in just one person. He is emotion taken to the highest form. When you are empty, he fills you back up. One look from him and you just know that everything is going to be alright... everything is alright.
Nothing that this world throws at us will make us fall. We are four strong. We work together, we joy together, we pain together, we relax together... we love each other.
Our children are lucky. Our families who have created us have much to be joyed about. Community living isn't looked highly upon... and we put a whole new spin on things... but it is what we need to survive these days. In a world with everyone trying to scatter in a different direction, divorce being the catch phrase of the day, single parenting is popular and depression rates are sky rocketing... we found a way to enhance each other rather than tear each other apart.
Hard to truly express this thought without sounding like a cult. I'm used to being the one with ideas that are just a little too far outside of everyone's comfort zone... but I used to be better at articulating them.
This community wouldn't work with just any combination of people... but the four of us work... we don't just work but we excell at whatever it is you'd call what we do. We are the family extraordinare... and it just wouldn't be the same without any of the key players.
All this in 4460 sq feet, eight bedrooms, six baths, four family rooms and two acres.
What else do you need?