Jul 10, 2005 13:53
12 ways to get a girl's heart:
1. Hugs from behind (along with a little whisper thanking her for whatever, a little "I am so lucky", or a nibble on a neck)
2. Hold her hand when walking together (anywhere and everywhere)
3. When standing, wrap your arms around her (not too tightly, but enough to show confidence)
4. Cuddle with her (without expecting sex - sometimes cuddling is the intimacy you both need to pull closer together)
5. Dont force her to do anything (ever. Ask. But don't force)
6. Write little notes (SO GOOD! This will melt a heart faster than anything else you could possibly do!)
7. Compliment her (especially on her shoes - girls like that sort of thing)
8. When you hug her, hold her as long as possible (without being too long. Know when the moment to let go arrives, hold her for one heartbeat past that and then let go)
9. Say 'I love you'...and mean it (DON'T USE IT TO GET LAID!)
10. Pick her over your friends. No matter what. Even if your friends call you pussywipe (In the end, she'll tell you that she wants you to go hang with them, she just likes knowing she's the center of your universe)
11. Comfort her when she cries (just hold her, stroke her back and listen. Don't give her advice, don't try to fix the problem until she asks you to, don't make promises. Just be there.)
12. Love her with all your heart (and mind, and body, and soul.)
Girls repost this if you think it's sweet. Guys repost this if you would really do this