Nov 11, 2005 10:31
heyy wats upp
aw man good times the other day .. iw ent on the day trip to new york... omg so much fun :) i woke up at 4 am (urgh) to get ready lol and then me jess and mauar and jess's dad SPEEDED to dunkins to pick up like 8 coffees and then SPEED back to the school by 5:15 which didnt happen but we were still on time haha.. good times.. but yeah NY.... omg that was soo awesome! i <3 NY !! we ended up getting there a little bit early so we split up into groups and went SHOPPING and walking the streets of NYC!!!!! AAAH SO AWESOME =] omg it was soo cool like we went through time sqaur and everything and we saw a GIANT toys r us w/ a ferris wheel inside hahah awesome.. then we saw MTV and we all bought MTV stickers in the MTV store loL! we also saw a Louis Vuitton store and a Tiffany & co. store and a Coach store!!!! ahhhh i wish i was rich lol ... so aftr all that we went to lunch at the hardrock cafe which was very cool.... & omg wen it was time to leave me maura lauren rachel jess and jess were all sitting on this giant couch thing in front of the guitar wall thingy and then it was time to go upstairs with the group and leave but me maura and lauren stayed there on teh couch and ALMOST got away with it hahaha until mrs. w/e her name is came down and walked by us and she ALMOST walked right past us but then realized tht it was us and told us to come upstairs. urgh i was mad :) so close.. so close.. lol . hahah fun times.
then we went to the Phantom of the Opera on broadway omg that play was sooo good :) there was so many like awesome special effects omg it was so coool! =] it was really good. then aftr the play we had to leave =[ then me and jess had a great time watching twister on the bus and planning a giant family vacation together haha =] but yeah fun times ... so we didnt get home til like 11 sumthing and i was wicked tired and then went straight to bed and then me and mauraskipped first period the next morning to sleeeeep .. good times. haha i was still tired tho.
and oh my goodness now it is friday and there is nNO School! woohoo !! looong weekend =] oh yah well im gonna go cuz idk wat else to write about but yah!!! wooh ttyl !! bye xo* Diana
<3 anthony