May 10, 2010 14:02
i am pretty sure i have the body of an 80 year old. i'm convinced. it causes me nothing but problems at every turn. so i am starting to take the expensive steps towards fixing the stupid thing. yes, i'm referring to my body as "thing" now. i am getting regular massage done on my legs. i went last week and it gave me about a day of being pain-free. well not entirely pain free, but somewhat. for some reason my hamstrings right below my bum are creating me a great deal of pain and i have no idea what is wrong. it hurts to sit for any period of time, and gets uncomfortable lying down. this sometimes can create some pain in my right hip too. like right now. it's driving me insane. i am probably going to go and see my mom's physio at some stage too. i have another massage on thursday. megan pointed out that my work chair probably isn't helping as where the seat ends is probably putting pressure on the exact area i hurt. so today i am trying out my co-worker's swiss ball to see if it helps. i'm not sure if it is or not. the pain is all still there, so i can't really decide if staying on the ball is worth it or not. i'll keep trying though.
and in the ultimate step that does cement me in the 80 year old age group (yes i know young people have these too but i've always thought of them as things old people get)...I have made an appointment to get an assessment for custom made orthotics. yay. that takes place tomorrow at 4:45. it's at a place that doug lai works at as a podiatrist. so i really, really hope i won't end up having him looking at my feet and touching them. *shudder*. i can handle a stranger doing an extent. but i'm not thrilled about the idea of someone i sort of know doing it. i know he'd be professional and all....but it's still a little awkward. so hopefully i get one of their other people. i'm hoping orthotics will help reduce my foot pain, as well as some of the back pain. the only thing that sucks about them is that i'll have to change my entire shoe collection so i can fit my orthotics in them. that can be pricey because it means no more cheap shoes. only expensive ones that the soles can be removed from. ugh. i hate it how much money my stupid effing body is costing me. why can't i just be friggin pain free for once????? it's really not fair at all. sigh.
alright now that i have depressed myself even more, i am going to go and sit on the floor and do some stretches. yay.