So, about half of the videos I download play with these really annoying coloured bars running through them. Usually semi-translucent, green or maybe orange, and they distore the sides of the vids as well. This is whether I play through media player, VLC, RM, whatever. Is there anything I can do to fix this? It's really frustrating because it makes vids look crappy so I can't really feedback, but I certainly don't want to bug vidders about it because I think it's a problem from my end.
Happy Birthday
treacle_a! I hope you have a fantastic night and some well-deserved relaxing break time.
(I've been terrible at remembering/commenting on birthdays lately - very belated best wishes to
buttersideup, I know it was weeks ago, sorry! I hope you were appropriately spoilt.)
ETA: Wow, just testing out the linking Google Maps thing to find it even has my street. Not that I'm going to stick it on a public post but still, way to make me feel I've lost the right to speak knowledgeably about living on the periphery!