(no subject)

Nov 04, 2005 23:27

1. What was the first car your family had?
The first I remember... The Yellow Fiat, I think, and for sure the truck.

2. What was the name of your first pet and why?
My first pet was Brown Sugar, my rat. Because s/he was that light brown brown sugar color. :)

3. What did you want to be when you grew up?
Teacher, author. I still want to be an author... I've wanted to work in museums since I was in 10th grade though, so that one's been a while too.

4. What was the name of your elementary school?
I went to three. Taft Elementary in Ferndale. Larkshire Elementary (now Lanigan), and Highmeadow Common Campus in Farmington.

5. Who was your first best friend?

6. Are you still friends today, and if not, what happened?
No. I haven't talked to Kate in about 10 years.

7. What was your favorite board game?
I always liked Monopoly and Clue.

8. Did you play house or other make believe games?

9. Were you a Dungeons and Dragons geek?

10. Did you sleep with stuffed animals as a kid?

11. Do you still sleep with stuffed animals?

12. Who was the first person you looked up to when you were younger?
My dad.

13. Who was your favorite relative?
My cousin Brynne.

14. Were you short or tall in elementary school?

15. Were you teased in school?
Yes, by Becky Smith... I hate her still.

16. What was the name of your favorite teacher?
Mrs. Williams, or Mr. Cardeccia, or Mr. Shaw, or Mr. Seavitt, or Mr. Ragland, or Mr. Campbell, or Mr. Parkinson...

17. What was the name of your least favorite teacher?
Mrs. Apol or Ms. Young. Oh, and of course Mr. Steele.

18. What was your best subject in school?

19. What was your worst subject in school?
Math or science (depending on the science).

20. Did you do well in Physical Education?
No. I did good in the badminton portions though. :) Have I ever told you my picked last in gym story...? Yeah, it's a good one...

21. Were you clumsy when you were younger?
Yes. I still am pretty clumsy.

22. Who was your favorite band as a kid?
I really only listened to classical when I was a kid. Then Kate got me listening to country and Weird Al.

23. What was your favorite movie as a kid?
The Wizard of Oz. :)

24. Did your parents read to you?
Yes. I loved it!

25. Did you have a favorite book?
Oh man, so many...

26. What was your favorite restaurant as a kid?
I don't remember. I know I really liked Border Cantina, I still do. They have the best cheese enchiladas.

27. What TV or movie star did you have a crush on?
Johnathan Taylor Thomas. He's still pretty cute too. :)

28. Do you now wonder what you were thinking?

29. Who was your first crush in school?
Matt Halliday. He's still pretty beautiful too...

30. As a child, what kind of car did you want when you grew up?
I don't know. Whatever my friends wanted...

31. Did your parents spank you?
On occasion. You better believe I deserved it when they did, too.

32. Did your parents fight a lot when you were a kid?

33. Did your parents get divorced or stay married?
They're still married. :) It was their 26th this year. :)

34. If they got divorced, how old were you when it happened?

35. Did you ever run away from home?
Not really. I would run out to hide under our tree though.

36. How old were you when/if you first got glasses?
I've never worn glasses.

37. Did you need braces or a retainer?

38. If you're male, how old were you when you had your first wet dream?

39. Both sexes when did you start shaving?
8th grade maybe?

40. Girls when did you start wearing a bra?
A real bra... Oh man, 10th grade? It's not like I need to wear one...

41. What was your first kiss like?

42. What did you do on your first date?
I've never really been on a real date. I went to Homecoming as the first thing with my first boyfriend, but we weren't dating at the time of the dance...

43. How old were you when you first drank?
Seriously drank? 18. I'd tried my parents stuff before that though. I remember for sure Mom let me try champagne or wine on my 13th birthday.

44. Where was your first house?
Ferndale. We moved when I was 6 1/2.

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