We can proudly still be Chippewa :)

Sep 09, 2005 00:49

I just have to share because it totally made my day:
(Yes, I realise it's from last Friday, but I'm way behind on my CM Life reading...)

CMU got taken off the NCAA's list of "bad college mascots". I'm much happier now. I don't know why I cared so much about it really... It just got at me that the stupid NCAA didn't get the whole relationship we have with the tribe and whatnot... And as being in the Marching Chippewas and how we've basically been given the job of "protecting the Chippewa spirit", as Batch put it, it got to me that much more. Anyhow I'm really glad.

That being said, did you know that the plural of Chippewa is Chippewa?

And according to the article we adopted the Chippewa in 1942. We were around for fifty years before that (1892). Does anyone know what we were before 1942, or where I could find out? Just curious. You all know me. :)

* * * * *

Me and Mandy watched Blast From the Past on TBS tonight. I have to share two of the best quotes ever.

A= is Adam, the main dude. M= is his mom. CG= is the guy who started the church to Adam and them... T= is Troy, the gay friend of Eve (haha), the girl Adam falls for (David Foley, whom I love :) He's Troy, not Eve...)

1- A: I think I'm being chased by a psychiatrist. M: :gasp: A psychiatrist? CG: It happens.
2- T: Do you think his home is under a dirty book store in the Valley?

* * * * *

I just have to add, I've been on such an emotional roller coaster yesterday and today it's not funny. Partially self inflicted, partially not. Partially good, but mostly... not really. Anyhow, I could use cheering up right now. I'm really bumming out...

* * * * *

Countdown to Wheatland: TOMORROW! (Well, technically today.) I can't wait. I'm super psyched. Yay! It's here, it's here, it's here! :) (My enthusiasm for Wheatland isn't counteracting the bumming though... Grr.)
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