Aug 13, 2005 20:32
Watched Catch-22 with Sean yesterday. It was weird. Good too. I need to read the book still. I've been putting it off since 2001... Whoops... I guess not really putting it off, I mean, I've tried reading it. I get through the part where Yossarian's censoring the letters and then get bored of it or something and stop. I hate it when books do that to me. I need to finish the one I'm reading right now within the next week. Mom wants to read it and I want it done before I go to school. I tried reading my summer book at the beginning of school last year and it didn't work too well. I got about halfway through Anne of Windy Poplars and then had to quit. Oh well...
Watched Seeing Other People with Mom the night before that. It was... odd. It has the guy from Dead Poets Society that goes after the girl from the other school in it. And Lauren Graham whom I have a little girly crush on. And Jay Mohr. And the girl that Ron Livingston ends up with at the end of Little Black Book. And Andy Richter.
Just need to hem my skirts now. Really just the cord one. Mom's doing the white one for me since the heming will show more on that than the stripy corduroy.
* * * * *
So Brian (at work) totally knows about my whistle. I had my keys out from opening the bread boxes and he said "Is that a Central rape whistle?!" I was so excited. Nobody believes me that that's what it is. My rape whistle. He totally knows about it. It made my day.
Then yesterday at work Jeff mentions he's in Michigan's band and I say I'm in Central's and he's so excited. He thinks band people are the coolest (yes, all band dorks are the same). It was awesome. He told me about their freshmen thing, "Night of the Wolverine", I told him about ours, no fun name... It was great. He plays trumpet. I should've asked him if he knew Christina (I think she graduated our freshman year...). Or at least Andy, Iden, or Carrie. It was great. Then later we both said how we're excited for school (both because of band and what classes we have) and Tometka overheard us and thought we were crazy. Hehe, I guess she's right.
I am excited though. I'm getting a bit nervous again though. I don't know why I get so nervous at the beginning of school every year. The unknown I guess. Dreading some things will do that to you... Oh well. I'm finally in classes I really want to be in and can't wait.
* * * * *
So my job next Saturday was cancelled. The day after I bought the clothes for it (it req. khaki's and a polo and I don't wear either of those...). So now I have to go return them. But it might have to be awhile till I can return them (oh, and exchange the jeans I bought. They have these weird marks on them that I don't like, though knowing the current trends could be intentional...) because I paid with a check and I might have to wait till it clears... Ugh. Oh well. I'm out a hundred bucks cuz of it too. :(
But, I can go up to school on schedule now though. Go looking for a job then since I didn't go this weekend. Stupid Tallgrass and stupid rediculously high gas prices...