The dead speaks!

Oct 04, 2014 17:12

Just got an email back saying "I'm dead to you that's all that matters to me."

So apparently she doesn't care that she lead people to believe she had killed herself, that people actually grieved over her, and is unapologetic about it. She WANTED people to feel bad! She wanted people to cry and mourn her. Can anyone say attention seeking, drama-whore? Oh and how about, emotional blackmailer?

Good god! How sick is that?!

At least I get a little more validation in being right all along about what kind of person she is. *shrugs*

[EDIT] -

But seriously, should I be calling the psych team in on this one? The cops? Yikes!

[EDIT #2] - Lets not forget the very best bit: I am the reason she made everyone thing she was dead. I am the reason she let her supposed "best friend" (her words) believe she was dead and gone all these months. It's not like Tashe and I had exchanged a single, solitary word, in that week and a half before she made the world think she had killed herself.... but that's cool, she's called the cops on me (AGAIN?), and I will be more than happy to show them that, show them the lies she fed me over and over, explain to them (and show them too) the emotional abuse she subjected me to, the name calling she resorted to today when I busted her lying ass (and all the other times too). but just so we're all clear here, I am the one in the wrong.... *room rings with sarcasm*


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