Snowflake Challenge Day 9

Jan 11, 2012 10:20

Day 9

Create a fanwork. A drabble, a ficlet, or an icon, art or meta or a rec list. A picspam. Something.

My initial thought was to write a fic with my favourite pairing (Bill/Bushido) But as I started I got the stunted, gripping at straws, muse is not flowing feeling and gave up about two paragraphs in.

I thought about just posting my MCR kiwis again, but I felt like I'd already used them for this challenge (mind you, I'm so not above using them again if I need to. LOL).

So instead, I'mma Billshido you with some of the amazing fan-art I've collected:

I"ll start off with some not so nasty ones and move onto the naughty ones from there:

Gorgeous. See with the loves? Love it!

by peyotas @deviantart (I believe)

This is one of my favourites because Bill looks so happy. <3

Alternatively, this is also one of my favourites cos Bill looks so wrecked. ;)

And last but not least...

This is by far my very favourite Billshido manip. Monica is AMAZING.

Of course I have many more but these are all the ones I like best for various reasons. I hope you enjoyed the sexy too.=)

Also, I know some of these aren't THAT well done, but squint and use your imagination, and if you think you can do better, please, PLEASE go ahead! Just remember to show me the finished result too, k? K. ;D

I have credited where possible, no credit is needed if there is a watermark present. If you know of the artists for the ones that is not credited, please let me know what belongs to whom and I'll happily edit to include artists name.

pics, snowflake challenge, pic spam, billshido

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