Dec 20, 2011 20:20

I know how this is going to sound, and I'm not going to pretend I'm not bitter, because I am, but you get that when someone you thought was your friend lies to your face repeatedly and shits on you and your friendship, but I've long said this woman needs to come with a warning, so here is your warning:

For those in the TH fandom, be very weary of omgcaffeineRead more... )


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revolyat February 29 2012, 04:14:30 UTC
Seriously? I can agree that she is a bitch. But there is almost ALWAYS a cause for her going into bitch mode, and if there isn't, she's certainly not too proud to apologize for it. I have seen her beat herself up over things (including arguments with you), and on the contrary I have seen her forgive people that really should not have been forgiven in the first place. She is not perfect, and I'm not going to sit here and argue that she is, but she's a hell of a lot better person than you could ever dream to be.

First off, what does roleplay or fic have to do with anything? You're sitting here judging her as a person. Since when does posting up roleplays or fanfiction define who you are? Yes, it is a big part of her life, but it is not something that can classify her as 'the ugliest soul [you] have ever encountered".

Second, and I do NOT take this point lightly, she does NOT lie about her illnesses to make people feel sorry for her. She RARELY talks about it, and the only ones she really bothers to go into detail about it with is her friends. If you know much about it, she obviously considered you a friend. Lupus is a fucking HORRIBLE disease, and I wouldn't wish it upon anyone, not even you. My mother was sick from the time I was nine years old to just over a year ago. She died from Lupus. If anyone would know anything about that disease, it's me. There's no real symptoms, or at least none that everyone who has Lupus gets. And it's only become more prominent in the last few years, so there are hardly any 'specialists' to speak of, especially in a small country like New Zealand. My mother was on the waiting list for YEARS to get one appointment to see someone in a hospital several states away (I'm in the US) that wasn't even a specialist. They had just dealt with the disease before. True specialists are difficult to come by, and even if you can find someone, the wait list is miles long and it doesn't come cheap. How the hell can she be expected to get a specialist under conditions like that? Tashe mentions minor things to me all the time, things that I saw my mom go through with her Lupus, and when she tells me about them, she isn't even aware that they could ever relate to her terminal illness. I have to sit here and watch my best friend go through everything I saw my mother go through, and it scares the hell out of me. Until you've had to deal with Lupus personally, every day, you have no right sitting there saying someone is faking it.

And my last point is that people are always going to be different between the internet and real life. I have known Tashe for quite a few years online and have spent about two months with her in real life, between two visits. It's very different, I can agree with that. But if anything, she is more kind in person, so I don't get why you think there's anything to complain about there.

Honestly, if you'd leave her alone, there would be no problems. You could easily block her, stop texting, stop emailing. Tell your friends to keep away if it blows your skirt up. But posting a public entry about her and tagging her is just a way to pick a fight.

Are you sure it's her desperate for attention?

If you hate her as much as you make it sound, ignore her. Problem solved.


nz_bonjovi_gal February 29 2012, 04:22:15 UTC
Really, Bex? Do you want me to tell you the things she used to say to me about you? Don't get one on, this has nothing to do with you. I respect that you're looking out for someone you think has value, but I have seen that she has none. This post was written as a caution to MY friends about her because I care about them. She is the one that has brought this all up again with her whining and moaning.


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