Dec 20, 2011 20:20

I know how this is going to sound, and I'm not going to pretend I'm not bitter, because I am, but you get that when someone you thought was your friend lies to your face repeatedly and shits on you and your friendship, but I've long said this woman needs to come with a warning, so here is your warning:

For those in the TH fandom, be very weary of omgcaffeineRead more... )


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nz_bonjovi_gal February 29 2012, 03:30:21 UTC
1) Oh yes, I know this person VERY well. You get to know someone real well when they shit all over everything you ever did for them. Also, I never got a single apology for being lied to repeatedly, for being taken for granted and for my friendship to her being shit all over.

2)You need to keep in mind there are two sides to every story. I ripped her to pieces?! Oh please! You weren't there, you do not know what went down and you have NO idea how ruthless that bitch is. I know she comes across as the nicest person in the world, but trust me that botch has a darkness you wouldn't even believe. And how do I know this? Because I have seen it on numerous occasions.

3) No rumours have been started from my end. I speak the truth. Believe what you will but again, without both sides to the story you're at a disadvantage to be able to say ANYTHING to me.

4) Learn the facts before you speak. I have personal history to fall back on. I KNOW what I am saying is true; This woman is a liar and a fake, but by all means go ahead and be taken in by her, you'll learn in time that I'm not the one who makes things up and then squeals like a stuck pig when they're found out.

I won't take your post down. I have nothing to hide. I'm not the one running and crying to people over the fact someone has called me out for being a liar and a fake. I stand behind every SINGLE word of this entry.

Oh, and you can tell her she is old enough and ugly enough to fight her own damn battles and if she has something to say, she knows where to reach me. I'd tell her myself but she can't fight her own battles; she is notorious for cutting and running and setting up as someone new in a bid to reinvent herself/hide from the cesspit of waste that she is. She can't handle it when people see her for what she is. I am no saint, but I FULLY admit to that, and I don't run and hide when I am called out.... Unlike someone we apparently have in common. I feel for you becasue clearly you have been taken in by this woman. take some advice from someone who has been there, be careful.


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