What else is there to do on a Sunday?

Dec 03, 2006 19:05

A bullet type entry, because I'm feeling lazy.

-I'm so utterly broke. Horribly, utterly, fantastically, super broke. I still haven't paid off my overdraft fees, my entire paycheck went towards rent, and my credit card is maxed out. I have two dollars, left over from the twenty that my roommate owed me. And that's it. Good thing I have a decent supply of lentils and rice at the house.

-The performance went well. The first night, I had to eat a Pop-Tart onstage during the opening, and it suddenly occured to me how ridiculous I looked. Then I started laughing, and couldn't finish my line. Or the Pop-Tart. I threw it at some guy in the audience instead. Go team. The second night, the show went better, but I enjoyed myself less. Creepy stalker guy showed up with Tahnee for one thing, wanting me to go to Evergreen's prom.

-At the cast party last night, I had this weird, long, drunken conversation with yet another Matt (this is the third or fourth Matt I've met since I've moved out here) about bullshit philosophy. Then we had a meditation contest and I won. Two years at Naropa finally pays off.

-I'm so VERY stuck on my play. I wish my goddam laptop was working. That would make life easier. I hate writing in the computer lab at school, it just doesn't work for me. The Muse is a bitch about location; can't write at home because it's too dark, cold, and my room is purple. Can't write in the lab because of the flourescent lights. Can't write anywhere but in cafes, it seems, with good tea and pleasant music playing. How stupid.

Oh yes, and you may have seen the meme floating around, where someone gives you a letter and you have to write 10 things that start with it. Well, gershwyn gave me the letter L.

Laughter: I laugh a lot. At pretty much anything, and also at very inappropriate times. I've actually have laughed at a funeral. And during a guided meditation. And during sex. Haha, oops.
Leah: The bestest sister in the world. *waves* Hi, dude!
Love: All you need is Love! My personality is split: one half is cynical, jaded, reserved, and distrustful of all things pertaining to love, and the other is a complete romantic fool, who develops crushes too easily and watches sappy movies while gorging on chocolate.
Lord of the Rings: Because no person is complete without their own nerdy obsession. What the hell, it kind of saved my life when I was seventeen and wanting to die but too depressed to bother.
Ella: The one other person in my life (aside from Leah) who wrote gay hobbit porn for me. And I know I'm cheating, leave me alone.
Leather: So I have the slightest leather fetish...
Literature: I am a book nerd. I've got around 250 or more books (been a while since I counted), spread out on both coasts. And the only reason I don't have more is lack of space and funds. But it'll be Christmas soon!
Lists: In case you couldn't tell by now, I really like making lists of things.
Lust: Um, yeah. Because it's what most of this journal is about, is it not?

lists, dumb shit

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