Sick. Brain is apple sauce. Should I rent a movie?

Mar 17, 2006 21:50

Nicole on Nyquil. Not the best idea.

I'm feeling Aa bIt LoOpY....
Whee! Enjoy the ride!
That was me falling over and giggling.
Oops. Reverse. Switch that. Right. Forward again.

I was thinking about renting a movie, but I'm not sure I'm fit to leave the house. I need a clone that's not sick.
Oh, and I am sick, by the way. Nasty cough. Don't have cough syrup, so I've been drinking half-doses of Nyquil instead.
Need some herbal crap. It's better for me. And whisky. Cures everything. Steve said he cured himself with reishi mushrooms and something else. Reishi mushrooms apparently make you live longer. But he smokes, so it probably cancels it all out.
Great. I'm supposed to go tromp around the wilderness tomorrow in Survival Skills. That's a fantastic idea. Maybe I'll leave the Nyquil at home.

And Katie and her boyfriend broke up. She said it was inevitable. I'm confused. But you probably guessed that one already.


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