whining etc.

Apr 17, 2005 15:34

My life would be a lot easier right now if I could concentrate on it. Instead, I'm just basically counting the days until school ends, the kuni kissi performance is over, and I go on a road trip to some hot springs and then go home on the 12th. Should be fun...
The last weeks of school are always the hardest, and I always crap out right around now. Who gives a flying fuck about homework and grades anyway? I guess I do, most of the time. And I know I would be pretty bored if I didn't have school to fill my hours. But instead I'd rather just go and sit out in the sun for a few hours and work on my tan or read or write.

I've been reading my travel journal from last year. At this time in my travels I was working on a beautiful farm in East Sussex, riding horses and working in a beautiful garden, eating fresh organic veggies every day. And strawberry-rhubarb pie for dessert most nights. Mmm, strawberry-rhubarb... drool...

I can't wait to get home. I miss humidity. I really miss swimming. It's so dry here, the only place for swimming is the reservoir (which you're not supposed to go in anyway) and Boulder Creek, which is kind of nasty. And I know it will still be too cold in Vermont for swimming, but I'm tempted to chance it anyway. I've swum in colder rivers, before. Of course, I got really sick right afterwards, but meh. Such things are of little concern.

It's been an interesting weekend. After ETB's opening night, I went out with the cast, then came home and started watching Shaun of the Dead with Neirbobug. She fell asleep after about fifteen minutes (don't blame her, it's got a pretty dry beginning) and I dozed in and out while watching it. One of my roomates came in and jumped on the couch I was laying on, and we watched the movie and snuggled (yay!). It's fun to watch a movie with someone you can grab onto at the nasty parts (like the one where this guy gets ripped into a bunch of pieces and the zombies start eating his intestines. ewww...). Then we cuddled for a few hours cuz we were both to lazy to get up and go to bed. It got kind of intense after a while, (serious sexual tension buildup, dude!) I started wondering if we were going to have sex, which would have been kind of weird. We didn't, so that's all right. He went to bed around 4-ish, and I fell back asleep on the couch.
The next night I went to Everything That Breathes again, and was even more blown out of my boots by it than the first night.

For everyone who doesn't know, the Everything That Breathes performance went over really well. The first two nights were sold out. Today is the last performance, which is kind of sad.
Last night they gave out flowers for people- the producer, the arts director, the stage manager/costume goddess. They didn't get me any, and I was kind of surprised to find that I wasn't insulted or sulky about that. I usually take any excuse I can to whine (to myself) about being underappreciated. Then I usually get sickened by my own immaturity and sprial down into a heady depression. Hurrah! The cycle seems to have broken! Mostly, it was my own acknowledgement of others' work on the project, which definitely far surpassed my own. I wrote the script, and yeah it was hard work for a while, and yeah I dedicated a big bunch of brain power and emotional energy into it, but it still pales in comparison to EVERYONE ELSE on the project, who had to keep on working after my job was done.
A few people asked me for autographs when they heard I had written it. I wanted to be like, No! Get everyone else's autograph, they're the real stars. Of course, I did give out two autographs, and everyone seems to be mistaking my reluctance as modesty. That ain't it, people!
God, the whole thing was so beautiful. I'm just happy to have been a part of it. I wish I could have done more, but I knew it would have been way to difficult to relinquish power over the story to the director. I also really wanted to be surprised by it, and I definitely was. You wouldn't believe how many talented people worked on this production.

performance, travel, school

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