Losing the Lottery

Oct 01, 2013 10:21

Ten Reasons to Not Win the Lottery:
1. You don't believe or feel you deserve to win
2. You think that getting something for nothing is unfair
3. You think that life is about working hard.
4. You think that physical security and stability puts too much focus on the physical world and corrupts a person or interferes with their spiritual growth.
5. You think that it's all about odds and you don't have a chance to win.
6. You fear money or feel you don't know how to handle it.
7. You feel guilt at trying to "escape" the situation you've created for yourself or that your deity or soul has defined for you.
8. You have low self esteem and are self-fulfilling your feelings of inadequacy by sabotaging your chances for prosperity or happiness.
9. You fear how your life will change and how people will treat you if you won.
10. Your current situation is your comfort zone, and you fear getting out of that comfort zone.

These are not mutually exclusive -- you can have more than one, and most people have most of them. And this is not just about winning the lottery, it's also about any type of manifestation work you do.
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