Feb 22, 2012 14:32
I'm having a lot of trouble with the new Live Journal message response form. Things don't read as well in it as they did in prior versions with my screen reader. It's highly frustrating and I can't understand why folks have to constantly change their web spaces all the time. I know they think it keeps it fresh, but from an end user perspective it wastes time and increases frustration and annoyance.
It looks like another one of the journals I followed here is going static, so I'm down to about three people I stay on here to keep up with. The mix of frustrations and dying activity is fast making this a less than optimum forum for blogging. And no, Facebook is no better, as it has too much traffic and nags to play games and such to be enticing, and I also lost interest there when I kept running into my ex's name on friends' messages with responses or likes.