So let's do some updates. In recent weeks I have fractured my elbow. It's cool though, jsut a crack. It ain't no thang. No hideous smelling cast anymore, I frequently tend to hurt my arm doing things I shouldn't but is that really new?? Couple weeks ago hung out with the crew in moco, I had an awesome time. It definitely cheered me up to see everyone!
I went to the Yankees / Orioles game last night. It was awesome, yanks won 11-3. We definitely got rained on and I think I'm getting sick now too. Yay. There was this one whore I could have easily slashed with a broken off beer bottle - if they would stop selling them in plastic containers. She was just bitching about the yanks, saying go back to the ghetto ass new york, get out of my stadium / state and yelling foul shit (jeter sucks a-rod's dick etc). Some kid called her a faggot and she told them to shut the fuck up and she was warned that if she didn't start behaving she'd be thrown out. Too bad she wasn't. Oh well, get over yourself biotch the o's still suck.
Ok i don't know what else to write, i need to stop avoiding homework!!