Feb 07, 2006 18:47
also this. haha.
Open iTunes/iPod or Windows Media Player to answer the following. Go to your ipod music or library. Answer, no matter how embarrassing it is.
Number of songs: 1310
most recently played:i havnt used itunes in long enough that it doesnt tell me...
top 5 most often played:
1)Simply Beautiful -al green
2)At the begining- anastasia soundtrack
3)Take 5 -Dave Brubeck quartet
4)teardrop in the fire- jim morrows CD
5)19th Nervous break down- the rolling stones
Sort by song-
First Song: (I can't go no) Satisfaction
Last Song: Zichronot M'Africa (Memories Of Africa)
Sort by time-
Shortest song: 0:10 "Paul" -Eminem
Longest Song: 17:59 "An Old Norvegian Folksong with Variations, Op.51" -Edvard Grieg
Sort by artist:
First Artist: 3 doors down
Last artist: Yehoshua Rochman
Sort by album:
First Album: 1 -beatles
Last Album: worldplaygrounds (it has the monkey song on it....)
"Sex": How Many songs come up? 2
"Death": How Many Songs come up? 1
"Love": How many songs come up? 53
"You": How many songs come up? 113
"Me": 273
Search for your own name: 1 (blue for alice by charlie parker of course!)