Fri, 20:10: RT @ GHMansfield: Access for disabled people is not a gift. It is rarely, if ever, provided without a fight.
Fri, 20:11: RT @ CheriDiNovo: "Don't force my hand" Ford says to Women-majority sectors like Education workers and Nurses . Any woman who's lived with a…
Sat, 04:46: RT @ GHMansfield: Disabled people fought way too hard for wheelchair priority spaces on the bus to have stroller or buggy users think they a…
Sat, 04:59: RT @ GHMansfield: A building with even one step is not accessible to many disabled people.
Sat, 05:05: RT @ GHMansfield: Disabled people are not the problem. Inaccessibility is the problem. Lack of accommodation is the problem. Exclusion is th…