Haaaapy Birthdaaa-aa-aaay toooo youuuuuuu...

Jun 26, 2008 17:01

Sorry, everyone, I'll stop singing now. The thing is, it's
onehundredmoons's birthday today, and she actually likes it when I sing. Well, if I sing in text, that is.  SOOooo-ooo-oo...

Happy BIrthday to YOU, haaappy birthday to YOU, haaaaaappy biiirthdaaay, dear Leeeeeesssa, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TOOO22ooo YOOOUUUUUU!!!!111one11one!!!

So, darlink, it's one year to the day since I've posted. Heh. Guess what the occasion was last time?

( ...and I am sorry about being so absent as well as the singing, f-listers. It's been a rather traumatic year out here in RL-Land, especially the last few months)

Anyway, dear
onehundredmoons, many, many happy returns, and how cool that your boy James' very first birthday is actually pretty close to yours. Sending love, hugs, pot roast and slobbery smooches your way!

All the best,

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