Hmmm. I've been seeing this meme around and have really enjoyed reading what some of my favorite authors have to say about their writing and their processes - the details have been fascinating and the frankness has been admirable. But I haven't felt comfortable about commenting to others unless I also have the nerve to do the meme myself. So, I'll
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I do see how a reader could be creeped out by "The Effigy". Not everybody is comfortable with threesomes, to begin with. Especially when two of the three are the same person, more or less, and are focusing on each other mainly to please the third man. Sirius and the effigy are being a wee bit submissive, considering Remus is an unapologetic voyeur, and has actually sort of persuaded Sirius to perform an eerily narcissistic act, something Sirius is clearly not entirely comfortable with. And then the focus shifts to the terribly mortal effigy, with his 12 hour life-span - we don't often think of sex and death in the same mental breath and I imagine that juxtoposition could have put people off too.
There's some crazy porn out there, sure, and hey, perfectly fine to put Harry in a cock-ring and have Snape slap him w/ a wet fish, as long as the tone suggests that it's really all in fun. But in "The Effigy", I wasn't kidding or playing at all, and I think some readers picked up on that, too.
Anyway, it's very nice to know "The Effigy" is one of your favorites - as you can see, it sure isn't everybody's favorite ;)and though I don't mind that, I'm glad you're in the "Yay" camp! Thanks also for mentioning all the magic in my fic, I've always enjoyed playing with it and it's nice that you've enjoyed that too.
Thanks for dropping in!
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