Finally, my third work in the genre. I like working w/ this pairing and do intend to continue. I have one fairly long WIP about half completed, and a collaboration planned for some future date.
Here is the link: (
The Shape of His Hands )
Comments 26
How To Do Stuff in LJ - this link tells you about LJ cuts (fairly simple, really), and how to do html links.
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If you want to keep up with the news in LJ land about Harry Potter, you can subscribe to hogwarts_today or daily_snitch so that you can keep abreast of stuff in the fandom.
If you wish, you can peruse my friends list or memories. There are admirers of your work in LJ land, such as comtisse_sin. Please move around and sit a spell. Would you like me to do an introductory post for you on my LJ?
Warmly yours,
jp (or jazz - it doesn't matter really).
P.S. - put your stories in your journal as well as in a writing archive.
I had already read and enjoyed immensely this fic at, especially since you said it was inspired by one of waccawheels' pics. And still more because you write such a great Sirius, and because the love is so gorgeous and evident in the way Remus talks about him. I love, too, how well your story melts with canon, how much of a true teenager Harry sounds without being irritating or overly angsty.
Thanks for writing this, and welcome in LJ!
Now I'm off to friend you :)
It's also a community worth friending if you are into Sirius/Remus, even though you'll find all sort of subjects and not only the best quality. But it's very active, features regularly stories and art worth taking a look, and it's a great way to meet people.
I haven't read your other fics yet but I'll do my best to catch up on that in the not too far future. :)
Thank you very much for the kind words! I appreciate your interest very much and am so glad you enjoyed this story. I've seen several thoughtful posts from you over at Jazzypom's place, so I know you think hard about everything you read. Nice to hear you were relieved not to be squicked after all, heaven knows I've all too often been reading a fic I liked very much and suddenly hit a brick wall of conflicting sensibilities. You are quite right, there IS a lot of disturbing stuff out there.
Excellent expression. Yes, that's what it sometimes feels like. I realise I'm a bit of a hypocrite, lamenting the amount of disturbing stuff out there, because I've certainly written my own fair share of disturbing stuff that could easily squick anyone and has probably squicked a lot of people already. "Disturbing" can be a very relative term. But at least it's good manners to give some warnings, and it annoys me a lot when people don't. (Not that you should have - just some general venting.)
Anyway, yes, I did enjoy that fic very much, so may I friend you to make sure I won't miss any new things you write? :)
And there's a regular squick continuum out there in HP fic, isn't there? If paedophilia doesn't bother one, then how about necrophilia? If that doesn't do the trick, how about snuff? LOL. And that's only the content end of it. I know a heavy dose of homonym abuse or misspelled character names does me in as readily as a sudden helping of vore. I'm often bemused at how easily the Potterverse seems to lend itself to every kink imaginable :0
And may I also add you to my list?
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