Title: Epic Adventures in King Arthur's Bed
Summary: A Spenserian sonnet of Arthur/Merlin 'love', aka smut.
Rating: R
Word Count: 120
Pairings/Characters: Arthur/Merlin,
Warnings/Content: smut
Beta: None :(
Notes: Written in a letter to my friend
arithilim, who is suffering in college and as such needed some professional level cheering up. :)
In a land far away there was a king
With a powerful wizard at his side
By day, they ruled, but at night they did wring
Such pleasures that were well known far and wide
In the king’s body the wizard would glide
And the king would give such a pretty moan
So that the wizard would increase his ‘stride’
And they both came with a cry and a groan.
Now that their pleasures had been so well sewn
Together they collapsed unto the bed
The king saw the wizard pretty and prone,
And with a voice hoarse from pleasure he said,
“That was great, Merlin, let’s try that once more!”
The wizard said, “I can’t, my hips are sore.”
Spenserian Sonnets should not be confused with
English/Shakespearean Sonnets.