Title: Burning The Darkness
Rating: M/NC-17
Summary: Merlin left Ealdor for a reason. And that reason's back, in Camelot. Now he has to hide his past and save the prat, er, prince, while hiding the truth behind his fears. His growing magic isn't helping, either. Rating for later chapters.
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Warnings: blood play, burn/fire play, non-con, rape, dub-con, alcoholism, drunk-con, abuse...you get the idea.
Episode warnings: All of S1, some of S2
Notes: Mindfuckery and whore!Merlin. :D
Burning The Darkness
~Word Count
Chapter 00: Prologue 2900
Chapter 01: Court Politics and Jungle Law 3400
Chapter 02: The Scorpian and The Fox 1800
Chapter 03: Glass Hands and Golden Eyes 7700