Condemned Rating: PG-13 Pairing: Sungmin/Henry Genre: AU!Supernatural, Drama, Romance Summary: A change of circumstances forced him within these walls, sentenced to stay and face an abandoned past.
double apologies, I'm being bothered with part 4 and it's... not turning out as I hoped (for whatever reason, a piece of it is missing and trying to recall it is taking me a bit .-.) Hope you anticipate it nonetheless, still a priority for me to finish ><
Aww no worries^^ it's better to wait until you've written something you're satisfied with than just writng something for the sake of posting (not sure if that made sense, I'm up way too late again)^__^
Ah, it definitely does. I sometimes do force out some things because of deadlines, and I'm just never satisfied with them. And I'm trying not to do the same with series at least ^^;;; and I thank you for your patience in advance in the mean time <3
Nah, made sense ;) Then again, I'm up too late too @.@ But I gotcha ~.^
Comments 5
Thank you for your support in the meantime! ^^
Nah, made sense ;) Then again, I'm up too late too @.@ But I gotcha ~.^
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